Blot Restore Membrane Rejuvination Kit, 10x ยี่ห้อ MERCK

รหัสสินค้า : 2520-M


0.00 ฿

ราคารวม 0.00 ฿





western blot: suitable

detection method



General description

The Blot Restore kit is an innovative tool for studies involving Western blot analysis.

It is widely believed that antigen-containing membranes used for Western blot experiments should never be dried. However, this is not true. The Blot Restore kit allows multiple re-use of membranes that were developed with substrate and subsequently dried. In model experiments both PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes showed excellent performance after having been dried for at least two months.

Kit contains two components. Solutioin A re-hydrates dry membranes and washes out chemiluminescent developing reagents. Solution B strips both primary and secondary (labeled) antibodies off the membrane. Treated membranes are ready for blocking and subsequent re-probing with antibodies of choice.

Use of the Blot Restore Kit offers several advantages:

1) Conservation of samples that are expensive or available only in limited quantities,

2) Analysis of a given blot using several different antibodies, e.g. subtype- or isoform-specific antibodies,

3) Re-analysis of anomalous results and confirmation with the same or a different antibody,

4) Correcting errors in incubation with the wrong antibody,

5) Cost savings in reagents and time by reusing the same blot.


The Blot Restore Kit is effective for hydrating dry membranes and removing antibodies from Western blots that have been developed with chemiluminescence or color substrates. The Blot Restore solution will not remove colored precipitate from blots developed using colorimetric substrates.

The Blot Restore Kit should be used only for qualitative purposes until it has been established by comparative blot analysis that stripping does not quantitatively affect a given antigen.

This product is for research use only; not for diagnostic or in vivo use.


Blot Restore Solution A (10x) - (1 container, 50 mL).

Blot Restore Solution B (10x) - (1 container, 50 mL).

Storage and Stability

Kit components should be stored at 2-8° C upon arrival. Product is stable for 3 to 6 months after receipt.

Legal Information

CHEMICON is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany


Unless otherwise stated in our catalog or other company documentation accompanying the product(s), our products are intended for research use only and are not to be used for any other purpose, which includes but is not limited to, unauthorized commercial uses, in vitro diagnostic uses, ex vivo or in vivo therapeutic uses or any type of consumption or application to humans or animals.

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