DNA IQ (TM) Reference Sample Kit for Maxwell(R) 16 ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp +15C TO +30C)

รหัสสินค้า : AS1040


0.00 ฿

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DNA IQ™ Kits for Maxwell® 16

Optimal DNA Extraction from Forensic Casework and DNA Reference Samples

  • Use DNA IQ™ Casework Pro Kit for: blood stains, semen stains, hairs, cigarette butts, tissue samples and trace or "touch" DNA
  • Use DNA IQ™ Reference Sample Kit with: buccal swabs, FTA® blood card punches, liquid blood or other high-concentration samples
  • Minimize need for concentration or dilution prior to amplification

DNA IQ™ Casework Pro Kit

The Maxwell® DNA IQ™ Casework Pro Kit is designed for optimal DNA extraction from forensic casework samples. These samples may include blood stains, semen stains, hairs, cigarette butts, tissue samples and trace or "touch" DNA samples regularly encountered in forensic DNA analysis. The kit contains the same trusted reagents as the DNA IQ™ System in a convenient, prefilled cartridge format and is optimized to provide a final DNA extract in a pure, concentrated format.

The Maxwell® DNA IQ™ Casework Pro Kit uses a plastic cartridge and newly designed plunger that allow DNA elution in a final volume of no more than 50μl. DNA IQ™ Lysis Buffer, Resin and Wash Buffer are included in the prefilled cartridge, and DNA IQ™ Elution Buffer is included in the kit to ensure proper storage of the DNA. The Maxwell® DNA IQ™ Casework Pro Kit is compatible with the Maxwell® 16 Instrument.

The Casework Extraction Kit improves DNA extraction efficiency from a broad panel of sample types and is used for preprocessing samples before DNA extraction with the Maxwell® DNA IQ™ Casework Pro Kit

Promega forensic products are manufactured in alignment with the ISO 18385 standard. This standard ensures minimal risk of human DNA contamination for products used to collect, store and analyze biological materials for forensic purposes.

DNA IQ™ Reference Sample Kit

Designed specifically for optimal DNA extraction from buccal swabs, FTA® blood card punches, liquid blood or other high-concentration DNA reference samples typically encountered in forensic, convicted-offender database and paternity testing. The kit contains the same trusted reagents used in the DNA IQ™ System in a convenient prepackaged format and is optimized to yield a final DNA concentration that minimizes the need for concentration or dilution prior to amplification. Liquefied samples are placed directly into the cartridges, and genomic DNA ready for amplification is obtained in approximately 20 minutes.

ItemPart #SizeAvailable Separately

Lysis BufferA826D1 × 25mlView Product

Elution BufferA828D1 × 20mlView Product

Elution TubesAS510A1 × 50/pkView Product

PlungersAS520A1 × 50/pkView Product

DNA IQ™ Reference Sample CartridgeAS550A48 × 1 each

แหล่งที่มา : https://worldwide.promega.com/products/forensic-dna-analysis-ce/dna-isolation/dna-iq-kits-for-maxwell-16/?catNum=AS1040

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