DNA IQ(TM) System 100 reaction ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp +15C TO +30C)

รหัสสินค้า : DC6701


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DNA IQ™ System

DNA Isolation System For Use with STR Analysis

  • One simple system for use with casework, paternity and database samples
  • Extract DNA from a variety of sample types, including stains and liquid samples
  • Remove PCR inhibitors and contaminants frequently encountered in casework samples

Cleaner DNA with a Simple, Rapid System

The DNA IQ™ System is a DNA isolation system designed specifically for forensic and paternity laboratories. This system employs novel paramagnetic particles to prepare clean samples for short tandem repeat (STR) analysis easily and efficiently. The DNA IQ™ System can be used to extract DNA from a variety of sample types, including buccal swabs, liquid blood and stains on FTA® and other blood cards. 

When working with larger sample volumes, such as those found in paternity and databasing, the DNA IQ™ System delivers a consistent amount of total DNA without extra quantitation steps prior to amplification. The DNA IQ™ System is flexible and sensitive to minute sample sizes. In addition, no harmful organic solvents such as phenol and chloroform are used, so use of a hood is not required and disposal of hazardous chemicals is eliminated.

The DNA IQ™ System has been tested with the PowerQuant® and Plexor® HY Systems and PowerPlex® Systems to ensure a streamlined process. This translates into reliable products that give optimal results from isolation to quantitation and STR analysis.

ItemPart #SizeAvailable Separately

ResinA825F1 × 900μlView Product

Lysis BufferA826F1 × 40mlView Product

2X Wash BufferA827F1 × 30mlView Product

Elution BufferA828G1 × 15mlView Product

แหล่งที่มา : https://worldwide.promega.com/products/forensic-dna-analysis-ce/dna-isolation/dna-iq-system/?catNum=DC6701

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