Internal Lane Standard 600, 150ul ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp -30C TO -10C)

รหัสสินค้า : DG1071


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Internal Lane Standard 600

22 Bands Ranging in Size from 60bp to 600bp

  • 60–200bp fragments are spaced at 20bp intervals
  • 200–500bp fragments are spaced every 25 bases
  • 500–600bp fragments are spaced every 50 bases

The Internal Lane Standard 600 (ILS 600) consists of 22 bands ranging in size from 60bp to 600bp. Fragments of 60–200bp are spaced at 20bp intervals, fragments of 200–500bp are spaced every 25 bases, and fragments of 500–600bp are spaced every 50 bases. Fragments that are multiples of 100 bases have fluorescence intensities approximately twice that of other fragments to simplify size assignment. The DNA ladder is double-stranded and asymmetrically labeled with carboxy-X-rhodamine (CXR). The Internal Lane Standard 600 is used to assign sizes to DNA fragments separated by electrophoresis and detected using a variety of fluorescence-detection instruments (e.g., Hitachi FMBIO® Fluorescence Imaging System and ABI PRISM® 310, 3100, 3100-Avant and Applied Biosystems® 3130, 3130xl, 3500 and 3500xL Genetic Analyzers). ILS 600 is commonly used as an internal size marker for other applications and can be visualized by detecting fluorescent emission at 597nm after excitation at 576nm.

In addition, the Internal Lane Standard 600 contains additives that prevent the formation of two artifacts ("split peak" and "n–10") at the vWA locus in the PowerPlex® 16 and 16 HS Systems when using ABI PRISM® 3100, 3100-Avant and Applied Biosystems® 3130 and 3130xl Genetic Analyzers.


  1. McLaren, R.S. et al. (2008) Forensic Sci. Intl. Genet. 2, 257–73.

ItemPart #Size

Internal Lane Standard 600

DG107A1 × 150μl

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