PowerPlex® 6C Matrix Standard ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp -30C TO -10C)

รหัสสินค้า : DG4900


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PowerPlex® Matrix Standards

DNA Fragments Labeled with Fluorescent Dyes for Use with PowerPlex® Systems

  • 4C Matrix Standards are labeled with: Fluorescein, JOE, TMR and CXR
  • 5C Matrix Standards are labeled with: Fluorescein, JOE, TMR-ET, CXR-ET and WEN
  • 6C Matrix Standards are labeled with: FL-6C, JOE-6C, TMR-6C, CXR-6C, TOM-6C and WEN

Use of Matrix Standards

Proper generation of a spectral calibration file is critical to evaluate multicolor systems. Once generated, the spectral calibration file is applied during sample detection to calculate and compensate for spectral overlap between different fluorescent dye colors.

ItemPart #Size

6C Matrix Mix

DG429A1 × 150μl

Matrix Dilution Buffer

DM145A5 × 200μl

แหล่งที่มา : https://worldwide.promega.com/products/forensic-dna-analysis-ce/str-amplification/powerplex-matrix-standards/?catNum=DG4900

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