pGL4.70[hRluc] Vector, 20ug ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp -30C TO -10C)

รหัสสินค้า : E6881


0.00 ฿

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Promoterless Renilla Luciferase Basic Vectors

Use to Clone in Putative Promoter Elements or as a Control Vector in DLR Assays

  • Designed for cloning a putative promoter element for investigating gene transcription control regions
  • Use as a promoterless control vector in a dual-reporter assay

The pGL4.70[hRluc] Vector is designed primarily to accept a putative promoter element for investigation of important regions controlling gene transcription. Alternatively, this vector may be used as a promoterless control vector in a dual-reporter system with a firefly luciferase vector serving as the experimental vector. The promoterless vector is available with an hRluc engineered Renilla luciferase gene. The inserts cloned into this vector can easily be transferred using the multiple cloning site and a unique SfiI transfer scheme.


  • Transcription regulation.
  • Virus-cell interactions.
  • Compound screening.
  • Post-translational modifications.
  • Promoter analysis.

How the Engineered Renilla Luciferase Genes Work

The hRluc gene is engineered to remove most cryptic transcription factor binding sites and improve mammalian expression through codon optimization.

About the pGL4 Reporter Vectors

The pGL4 Vectors offer increased reporter gene expression with codon optimization of synthetic genes for mammalian expression and reduced background and risk of expression artifacts with removal of cryptic DNA regulatory elements and transcription factor binding sites. Renilla luciferase has options that offer improved temporal response with the destabilized Rapid Response™ luciferase genes.

ItemPart #Size

pGL4.70[hRluc] Vector

E688A1 × 20μg

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