100bp DNA Ladder, 250ul (50 lanes) ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp -30C TO -10C)

รหัสสินค้า : G2101


0.00 ฿

ราคารวม 0.00 ฿

100bp DNA Ladder

Eleven Fragments: 100–1,000bp in 100bp Increments Plus a Band at 1,500bp

  • Load 5μl/lane
  • Supplied at a concentration of 0.13µg/μl
  • Supplied with 6X Blue/Orange Loading Dye
  • Now ships at ambient temperature

DNA Ladders have defined sizes, and are not intended for use in quantitative analysis.

The 100bp DNA Ladder has eleven fragments that range in size from 100bp to 1,000bp in 100bp increments with an additional band at 1,500bp. The 500bp fragment is present at increased intensity for easy identification. The ladder is dephosphorylated and ready for 5´ end-labeling with radioisotopes using T4 Polynucleotide Kinase for visualization by autoradiography.

Now shipping at ambient temperature. Learn more about the quality testing in the white paper.

ItemPart #Size

Blue/Orange 6X Loading Dye

G190A1 × 1ml

100bp DNA Ladder

G210A1 × 250μl

แหล่งที่มา : https://worldwide.promega.com/products/cloning-and-dna-markers/dna-ladder-rna-ladder/100bp-dna-ladder/?catNum=G2101

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