CellTiter 96(R) Non-Rad Cell Prolif Assay, 10X96well plt ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp COMPONENTS AT DIFFERENT TEMPS)

รหัสสินค้า : G4000


0.00 ฿

ราคารวม 0.00 ฿

CellTiter 96® Non-Radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay (MTT)

A Colorimetric Assay to Assess Cell Viability

  • Greater sensitivity than the neutral red procedure
  • Non-radioactive, fast and convenient assay applicable to a variety of cells

The CellTiter 96® Non-radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay is a collection of qualified reagents that provide a convenient method of determining viable cell number. The CellTiter 96® Assay is a modification of the MTT assay method described by Mosmann and incorporates several improvements to the method that address previous technical problems including: 1) serum protein precipitation caused by adding organic solvent; 2) interference by phenol red; 3) incomplete solubilization of the formazan crystals resulting in lower sensitivity; and 4) stability of the colored product.

The CellTiter 96® Assay is performed by adding a premixed, optimized Dye Solution to culture wells of a 96-well plate, usually containing various concentrations of growth factor or test substance. During a 4-hour incubation, living cells convert the MTT tetrazolium component of the Dye Solution into a formazan product. If you currently use a [3H]-thymidine incorporation assay, the addition of Dye Solution can be substituted for the pulse of radioactive thymidine at the time point in the assay when the pulse of [3H]-thymidine is usually added. The Solubilization/Stop Solution is then added to the culture wells to solubilize the formazan product, and the absorbance at 570nm is recorded using a 96-well plate reader. In addition, direct comparison between [3H]-thymidine incorporation and tetrazolium conversion have demonstrated less than a 5% difference between the two assays for determination of growth factor content of several samples.

Features and Benefits

Gain Sensitivity: Detect as few as 1,000 cells/well with a 96-well plate reader. Greater sensitivity than the neutral red assay procedure.

Use With a Variety of Cells: Assay mammalian, plant and yeast cells.

Non-Radioactive: Requires no scintillation cocktail or radioactive waste disposal.

Save Time: Perform the assay in a 96-well plate with no washing steps, no cell harvesting and no scintillation counting.

Convenient and Adapts to Your Needs: Requires no weighing or mixing of dye compounds and follows either a 4-hour or overnight protocol.

ItemPart #Size

Solubilization Solution/Stop Mix

G401A1 × 100ml

Dye Solution

G402A1 × 15ml

แหล่งที่มา : https://worldwide.promega.com/products/cell-health-assays/cell-viability-and-cytotoxicity-assays/celltiter-96-non_radioactive-cell-proliferation-assay-_mtt_/?catNum=G4000

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