HaloTag(R) Cloning Starter System ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp COMPONENTS AT DIFFERENT TEMPS)

รหัสสินค้า : G6050


0.00 ฿

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HaloTag® Cloning Starter System

  • Use Flexi® Cloning System to clone protein coding sequences into mammalian HaloTag® expression vectors
  • Clone and transfer gene sequences into C- or N-terminus of HaloTag® Flexi® CMV Deletion Vectors

The HaloTag® Cloning Starter Kit is designed to utilize the Flexi® Cloning System to clone protein coding sequences into mammalian HaloTag® expression vectors. The system contains reagents required to clone and transfer gene sequences into the C- or N-terminus of a variety of HaloTag® Flexi® CMV Deletion Vectors.

This series of vectors containing deletions of human cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate-early enhancer/promoter were created to provide different constitutive expression levels of HaloTag® 7 fusion proteins, providing greater control over the level of protein expression. This allows expression of enough fusion protein to image or capture but not so much to disturb normal function of the protein partner fused to the HaloTag® 7 protein.

ItemPart #SizeAvailable Separately

Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System

A92801 × 10 prepsView Product

Flexi® System, Entry/Transfer

C86411 × 1 eachView Product

HaloTag® Flexi® Vectors—CMV Deletion Series Sample Pack

G37801 × 9 × 2μgView Product

Carboxy Flexi® Enzyme Blend (SgfI & EcoICRI)

R19011 × 50μlView Product

แหล่งที่มา : https://worldwide.promega.com/products/protein-detection/protein-labeling/halotag-cloning-starter-system/?catNum=G6050

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