ชุดสไลด์สำเร็จรูป งานสัตววิทยา เพื่อการศึกษาเกี่ยวกับตัวอ่อน, การศึกษาโครงสร้างและหน้าที่ของเซลล์ 25pcs Cytology Genetics and Embryology Prepared Microscope Slides ยี่ห้อ Happy Sciene

รหัสสินค้า : MHZS-001


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ราคารวม 0.00 ฿

ชุดสไลด์สำเร็จรูป งานสัตววิทยา เพื่อการศึกษาเกี่ยวกับตัวอ่อน, การศึกษาโครงสร้างและหน้าที่ของเซลล์ 25 รายการ ยี่ห้อ Happy Sciene

Categories: Mixed SlidesHistology SlidesZoology Slides

25pcs Cytology Genetics and Embryology Prepared Microscope Slides

25pcs Cytology Genetics and Embryology Prepared Microscope Slide including typical cell division, human and mammal genetics, and plant developments. A wonderful series to study the secrets of nature.

CGE-01 Allium root tips L.S. showing all stages of plant mitosis, hematoxyline stain

CGE-02 Allium root tip squash preparation show intact mitotic stages, Feulgen stain

CGE-03 Allium root tips L.S. specially fixed and stained to show the mitochondria

CGE-04 Lilium, anther t.s., microspore mother cells in tetrad stage

CGE-05 Barr bodies (human sex chromatin) in smear from female squamous epithelium

CGE-06 Motor nerve endings, muscle stained with gold chloride showing the motor end plates

CGE-07 Spinal cord smear of pig or cow show motor neuron

CGE-08 Salamander liver showing nuclei, cell membranes and cytoplasm

CGE-09 Meiosis stages in sec. of Locus testis

CGE-10 Ascaris megalocephala embryology Sec. of uteri showing mitosis stages

CGE-11 Giant chromosomes smear from Drosophila salivary gland

CGE-12 Mitotic stages in sec. through red bone marrow of mammal

CGE-13 Squamous epithelium, isolated cells from human mouth. Nuclei and cytoplasm are show

CGE-14 Golgi apparatus in sec. of spinal ganglion or other organ

CGE-15 Storage of glycogen in liver cells, sec. stained with carmine after PAS reaction

CGE-16 Phagocytosis in Kupffer’s star cells of the liver sec. of mammalian liver

CGE-17 Paramecium, in fission, nuclei stained

CGE-18 Spirogyra scalariform conjugation showing zygotes following conjugation

CGE-19 Simple-cell of egg of Frog sec.

CGE-20 2-cell of egg of Frog sec.

CGE-21 Early cleavage stage of egg of Frog sec.

CGE-22 Ovary of cat, t.s. with primary, secondary, and Graafian follicles

CGE-23 Testis of mouse, t.s. showing spermatogenesis in all stages

CGE-24 Embryo of mouse, sagittal l.s. of entire specimen showing all organs in situ

CGE-25 Chicken, 8 day, sagittal l.s. through entire specimen showing various embryonic organs

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