Luciferase Assays

Luciferase Assays

Luciferase assays can be used to investigate a variety of cellular processes using bioluminescent light output as a sensitive measure of biological activity. We offer a full range of luciferase assay products and tools for your research.

Reporter options include NanoLuc®, firefly and Renilla luciferases, which have different protein sizes, reporter stabilities and brightness. Detect the luciferase reporter using lytic or live-cell reagents that provide varying levels of brightness and signal stability. Dual-reporter detection reagents offer normalization or assay multiplexing. Clone your promoter or other genetic elements into an optimized vector or use a predesigned vector for investigating cellular stress and signaling events or imaging applications. Transfection reagents are available to introduce your reporter construct into your target cells.


Genetic Reporter Vectors and Cell Lines

We offer luciferase reporter vectors containing NanoLuc®, firefly, and Renilla reporter genes. These include promoterless vectors for cloning your regulatory region of interest, constructs encoding short half-life reporter genes for a more immediate response to changes in transcription levels, and vectors for creating protein-reporter fusions. In addition, there are firefly luciferase vectors predesigned with response elements for investigating specific signaling pathways, and coincidence reporters where two reporter genes are expressed from one transcript. The pGL4 vectors express firefly and Renilla reporter genes and are optimized to maximize expression, minimize off-target responses and respond rapidly to transcriptional dynamics. The pNL Vector series is based on the pGL4 backbone and provides options for expressing the NanoLuc® reporter gene.


Transfection Reagents

We offer a collection of high-quality, dependable transfection reagents for efficiently introducing macromolecules into cultured and primary cells using lipid- and calcium phosphate-based methods.


Reporter Assays

A bioluminescent reporter assay consists of both a luciferase reporter enzyme and a detection reagent that provides the enzyme substrate. When the reporter enzyme and detection reagent are combined, the light emitted is proportional to reporter gene expression levels and is detected using a luminometer. We offer bioluminescent reagents for detecting NanoLuc®, firefly, and Renilla luciferases, with multiple detection reagent options for each enzyme to create a reporter assay optimized for specific experimental goals. The detection reagents have varying signal brightness and stability, include both lytic or live-cell options, and can provide either single- or dual-reporter detection.


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