Plexor(R) HY System, 800 rxn ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp -30C TO -10C)

รหัสสินค้า : DC1000


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Plexor® HY System

qPCR Assay to Determine Male and Total Human DNA Concentrations

  • Simultaneously quantify autosomal and Y-chromosome DNA
  • Routinely detect down to 6.4pg of DNA
  • Internal positive control/melt-curve analysis guard against false-negative and false-positive results

The Power to See It All in a Single Assay

The Plexor® HY System is a real-time PCR assay to determine the concentration of total human DNA and male human DNA simultaneously in one reaction. The kit contains an internal PCR control (IPC) to test for false-negative results that may occur in the presence of PCR inhibitors and a melt curve function to confirm that the correct product was amplified. This sensitive multiplex kit provides consistent DNA detection down to 6.4pg of total DNA. PCR setup is performed at room temperature and is compatible with automated platforms.

The Plexor® HY System is compatible with automated platforms and optimized for use on the Applied Biosystems 7500 and 7500 FAST real-time PCR systems and Stratagene Mx3005P® and Mx3000P® qPCR systems. For information about use with other qPCR instrumentation, contact Promega Technical Services.

The Plexor® Analysis Software is available for free download. The unique functions of this software allow you to quickly and easily review data and create reports. Replicate samples are automatically averaged, template amounts are calculated and the necessary volume of DNA is displayed for your optimized STR amplification conditions.

ItemPart #SizeConcentrationAvailable Separately

Plexor® HY Male Genomic DNA StandardDD149A3 × 150μl

50ng/μlPlexor® HY 20X Primer/IPC MixDK716A4 × 200μl

Plexor® HY 2X Master MixDP120A8 × 1ml

Water, Amplification GradeDW099A5 × 1,250μlView Product

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