Primer Extension System ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp -30C TO -10C)

รหัสสินค้า : E3030


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Primer Extension System—AMV Reverse Transcriptase

We are sorry, but this product is discontinued.

For more information, contact Technical Service.

Primer Extension System—AMV Reverse Transcriptase can be used to quantitate specific mRNA transcripts and map the start sites of transcription. An end-labeled oligonucleotide is hybridized to RNA and is used as a primer by reverse transcriptase in the presence of deoxynucleotides. The RNA is thus reverse transcribed into cDNA and is analyzed on a denaturing polyacrylamide gel. The length of the cDNA reflects the number of bases between the labeled nucleotide of the primer and the 5´-end of the RNA; the quantity of cDNA product is related to the amount of targeted RNA.

ItemPart #SizeAvailable Separately

1.2kb Kanamycin Positive Control RNA

C154A1 × 100ng

Loading Dye

E343B1 × 1ml

Primer Extension 2X Buffer

E349B1 × 500μl

Primer Extension Sodium Pyrophosphate

E350B1 × 75μl

ΦX174 DNA/HinfI Dephosphorylated Markers

E351A1 × 500ng

Primer Extension Control Primer

E355A1 × 50pmol

AMV Reverse Transcriptase

E357B1 × 50u

T4 Polynucleotide Kinase

M410A1 × 100uView Product

T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 10X Buffer

Q561A1 × 100μl

Nuclease-Free Water

P119A1 × 1,250μlView Product

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