ONE-Glo(TM) Luciferase Assay System, 1L ยี่ห้อ Promega (Stroge. Temp -30C TO -10C)

รหัสสินค้า : E6130


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ONE-Glo™ Luciferase Assay System

Robust Performance for High- and Ultrahigh-Throughput Reporter Assays

  • Less sensitive to mixing and dispensing conditions, enhancing reproducibility
  • Ideal for use in high-density (384- and 1536-well) microplates
  • Reduced odor, and convenient storage options

Bright, Stable Luminescence Signal for Batch and Continuous Processing Systems

The ONE-Glo™ Luciferase Assay System provides a highly sensitive, robust, homogeneous assay for detection of firefly luciferase reporter gene expression in mammalian cells. Ideally suited for high- and ultrahigh-throughput applications, the ONE-Glo™ Assay contains a new luciferase substrate, resulting in a reagent that is more stable, more tolerant to sample components, and has less odor than standard luciferase assay reagents. These features ensure that the ONE-Glo™ Assay provides robust performance and also eliminates many of the handling inconveniences experienced using other reporter assays in a high-throughput setting.

Assay Advantages

  • Room temperature or 4°C storage options. The extended stability of the ONE-Glo™ Reagent makes it more convenient for everyday use.
  • Improved Assay Precision. The ONE-Glo™ Reagent is less sensitive to mixing and dispensing conditions, enhancing reproducibility. Ideal for use in high-density (384- and 1536-well) microplates.
  • Brighter, Longer-Lasting Signal. Optimized for batch and continuous-process handling, the extended bright light output allows high sensitivity, especially for extended incubations.
  • Reduced Unwanted Effects from Sample Components. The ONE-Glo™ Assay is less sensitive to culture media, phenol red and luciferase inhibitors than other luciferase assays.

ItemPart #Size

ONE-Glo™ Luciferase Assay Buffer

E60511 × 1L

ONE-Glo™ Luciferase Assay Substrate

E606C1 × 1 vial

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